11 Notable Quotes from None Like Him

This article is part of the Notable Quotes series.

Humble Yourselves

God is wildly different from us, and this is for good reasons—one of which is to teach us humility before him. Be encouraged by the following quotes from None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That's a Good Thing) by Jen Wilkin.

“When we fear the Lord rightly, we do so not as those who are terrified of him. Christ, our Mediator, assures us that we may approach the throne of God with confidence. We do not tremble as the demons do; they rightly fear the wrath of God. Rather, we tremble as those who understand that God’s wrath toward us is satisfied at the cross. When we fear God rightly, we recognize him for who he truly is: a God of no limits, and therefore, utterly unlike anyone or anything we know. This is the start of becoming wise.”

“The God of the Bible is infinite—immeasurable, unquantifiable, uncontainable, unbound, utterly without limit. We cannot take the full measure of him no matter how hard we may try.”

“Our limits teach us the fear of the Lord. They are reminders that keep us from falsely believing that we can be like God.”

“God is incomprehensible. This does not mean that he is unknowable, but that he is unable to be fully known. It is the joyful duty, the delightful task of his children to spend their lives, both this one and the next, discovering who he is.”

“All worship is owed to God, not because he demands it (although he rightly does), but because he made us. He is our origin.”

“Our greatest need has been dealt with once and for all. How much more will he supply all our lesser needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus?”

“The antidote for anxiety is to remember and confess that we can trust the future to God.”

“We fervently need God to stay the same—our great hope of salvation lies in his remaining exactly as who he says he is, doing exactly what he has said he will do. As long as his infinite sameness endures, he will not change his mind about setting his love on us. We cannot commit a future sin that will change his verdict, because his verdict was passed with every sin past, present, and future fixed in view. Whom God pronounces righteous will always be righteous.”

“God sees. God is present. Nothing is hidden.”

“The business of every believer is to strive to understand what God has revealed. What he has revealed is sufficient for salvation, needful for godliness, and supremely worthy of meditation. It is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.”

“His power is at work within us. It is at work helping us to overcome sin and to grasp the extent of his love for us.”

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