3 Barriers to Spiritual Growth Faced by Teens Today
Combat the Voices
Christian teenagers attempting to grow in godliness tend to face a series of unique challenges. First of all, the teen years are full of growth. They’re growing physically, they’re growing socially, they’re growing emotionally. They’re experiencing all these hormones.
So for Christian teenagers, growth in godliness sometimes tends to take a back seat if someone’s not behind them really speaking in their ear and reminding them that they need to be prioritizing it. Teenagers are already being asked to grow in all of these different ways and then they’re also growing in godliness in a season of life where the world is increasingly hostile to the Christian culture.
For Christian teenagers, growth in godliness sometimes tends to take a back seat if someone’s not behind them really speaking in their ear and reminding them that they need to be prioritizing it.
At school, they don’t hear all of these voices encouraging them to grow in godliness and Christian maturity. Instead, they’re hearing antagonistic voices. That’s another challenge because some haven’t yet developed the spiritual maturity to combat those voices to say, “No, this is what I believe because God’s word tells me.”
Growing in Godliness
Lindsey Carlson
Through 10 practical lessons, young girls will learn to apply God’s Word to the challenges of the teen years, laying the foundation for growth in maturity throughout the rest of their lives.
Necessity of Intentionality
So, they’re growing in maturity alongside hostile social pressures, and then also you have a very busy culture that is completely focused on the phone, on video games, on television, and Netflix. Kids are not naturally going to wake up one day and say, “How can I plan my day in a way that prioritizes growing in godliness?”
When we think about our Christian teenagers, we want to think about ways that we can challenge them to actually prioritize their growth in godliness that recognizes that part of growing in godliness is prioritizing how we are intentionally growing toward maturity in Christ.
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