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Is Hell Real?

Dane Ortlund

The crass references to hell we hear in everyday conversation shouldn’t dull the agonizing awareness all believers should have of the pains of hell.

What Jesus Will Never Ever Do

Dane Ortlund

With Christ, though, our sins and weaknesses are the very tickets that qualify us to approach him. Nothing but coming to him is required—first at conversion, and ten thousand more times.

You Need Christ to Put Your Sin to Death

Dane Ortlund

Christian salvation is fundamentally a matter of grace, rescue, help, deliverance—it is God invading our miserable little lives and triumphing gloriously and persistently over all the sin and self he finds.

For the Joy Set Before Him

Dane Ortlund

When you come to Christ for mercy and love and help in your anguish and perplexity and sinfulness, you are going with the flow of his own deepest wishes, not against them.