How to Pray When Your Heart Feels Cold
Many Christians experience seasons of spiritual apathy when the heart seems miles behind what we know to be true in our minds.
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How to Pray When Your Heart Feels Cold
Many Christians experience seasons of spiritual apathy when the heart seems miles behind what we know to be true in our minds.
How to Root out Apathy with the Power of Habit
Practicing spiritual disciplines may feel like work at first. Establishing new habits always presses against our apathy in uncomfortable ways.
Survival mode for the weary Christian is not hibernation from Christ but perseverance in Christ.
Build Your Life around Spiritual Habits, Don’t Just Fit Them In
If there's anything in our life that we want to do with regularity, we have to plan for it. It's just practical living.
You Have Everything You Need for Life and Godliness
Knowing that God has promised to complete the work he began in us, we are well equipped to practice perseverance.
Why Ordinary Faithfulness Is Enough
Feeding your faithfulness is an unremarkable practice in real-time. It’s unglamorous by the world’s standards, yet it is precious as it contributes to a life of holding fast to Christ.
How to Maintain Everyday Faithfulness in Festive Times
God has equipped us to follow Christ faithfully no matter what season of life we’re living.
Practical Faithfulness in the Throes of Motherhood
Know that God’s mercy abounds every morning, and his grace covers you. The Lord loves you, he is working toward your spiritual growth, and he is not done sanctifying you.
The Intersection of God’s Sovereignty and Our Perseverance
Thankfully, the maturity of a steadfast heart that reflects the image of your Savior and clings to the truth doesn’t weigh on only your shoulders.
How to Pray for the Advent Season
How do you pray to prepare for Advent season?
How Can Busy Moms Pursue a Lifestyle of Faithfulness?
The call to faithfulness still applies to moms. We are shaping young hearts to follow Jesus, and so that calling is very real. Our faithfulness is important for our children.
I’ll Be More Faithful When I’m Older
I thought I would get to be this wise Christian woman that I desired to be later in life, and I really thought that would just come with age.
I’ve Heard It Said That Feelings Follow Actions
Though our feelings are part of God’s created design for us, they still need to be subjected to God’s word and to what is true.