7 Key Characteristics of the Church
Reformation theology established seven characteristics or identity markers of the church.
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7 Key Characteristics of the Church
Reformation theology established seven characteristics or identity markers of the church.
Our new status and our new identity are due to the saving mercy and transformative power of God and are not of ourselves.
Is the Pope Really the Appointed Successor to the Apostle Peter?
Evangelical theology dissents especially from Catholic theology’s doctrine of apostolic succession.
Why I Believe in the Doctrine of Justification
The Bible makes clear that our right standing before God comes not by works, effort, merit, or achievement, but by faith in Christ alone.
Is Protestantism Still at Odds with Catholicism?
The Roman Catholic church and Protestant churches continue to disagree on the principle of how is one made right before God.
There are four essential identity markers of the church: oneness, holiness, catholicity, and apostolicity.
Gregg R. Allison, Stephen J. Wellum
In God’s providence, it was to a teaching career that God graciously called John to use his gifts and abilities to serve the larger evangelical church.
The Reformation’s Evangelistic Impact
The most lasting impact of the Reformation is gospel-centered mission. The Reformation unleashed a movement that continues today as Christians everywhere take the good news to the entire world.