There’s no guarantee that because we’re in a saving relationship with God through Christ that we’re going to be exempt from darkness.
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There’s no guarantee that because we’re in a saving relationship with God through Christ that we’re going to be exempt from darkness.
The word “gospel” never appears in the letters of John. Yet it is hard to imagine a book more intimately connected to the gospel of saving grace in Christ Jesus than John’s first letter.
Apart from God, man gets himself into all sorts of spiritually dangerous and eternity-threatening situations.
What Does Scripture Actually Accomplish?
Sometimes it's hard to nail down what reading God's Word is actually supposed to accomplish.
Why Men Should Memorize the Psalms Together
There is something sweet that goes beyond just repeating the words of Scripture to each other but actually living in the good of God’s Word together.
We need to know that we are not in charge and we need to know how to submit to God as the one who is in charge.