10 Things You Should Know about the Lord’s Supper
The Communion meal involves us in and embraces us in God’s grace. We are not mere observers. We do something. We eat something. We become participants in the story.
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10 Things You Should Know about the Lord’s Supper
The Communion meal involves us in and embraces us in God’s grace. We are not mere observers. We do something. We eat something. We become participants in the story.
2 Reasons Christians Lose Their Joy (And What to Do about It)
How did you become a Christian? Was it after you got your life sorted out?
Read about this remarkable man and his commitment to see the gospel of Christ proclaimed in all the earth.
10 Things You Should Know about John Stott
What do you know about the life of John Stott? Do you know about the various facets of his ministry? It can sometimes feel as if Stott lived a dozen lives.
10 Things You Should Know about the Reformation
Some surprising facts about a time in history that changed the church forever.
The Son of Man Came Eating and Drinking
The meals of Jesus represent something bigger. They represent a new world, a new kingdom, a new outlook. But they give that new reality substance.
How Baptism Changes Our Status
Baptism declares that you are in Christ. You have died with him and risen with him.
3 Privileges of Intimacy with the Father
As God's children, we inherit God’s glorious new world. But more than that, we inherit God himself.
What Did Jesus Teach about the Poor?
If poverty will always exist, does that mean any efforts to alleviate poverty—in our own communities and around the world—are in vain?
The glorious good news of Jesus is that you and I can change. Part of the problem is we often try to change in the wrong way.
Double listening . . . is the faculty of listening to two voices at the same time, the voice of God through Scripture and the voices of men and women around us.
How Do We Grow in Holiness? (Part 1)
Holiness isn’t a mysterious spiritual state that only an elite few can reach. It’s more than an emotion, or a resolution, or an event.
What John Stott Learned about Theology from Bird-Watching
Stott’s obsession with the snowy owl was more than a charming eccentricity. It reflected some important themes in his theology.
Food played an important role in the life of Jesus and continues to be an ingredient in our enjoyment of God's goodness.
However baptism is conducted, we go under the water as a picture of our death with Christ and we rise up from the water as a picture of our resurrection with Christ.
How Do We Grow in Holiness? (Part 2)
Tim Chester presents seven elements of a reinforced faith.
How the Sacraments Act as Contracts
The gospel is a series of promises expressed in words. God promises forgiveness, acquittal, adoption, preservation, resurrection, and glory.
The problem with all of our desires to change is that they’re not ambitious enough.
Justification is not just a doctrinal or church doctrine. It is a deeply personal doctrine.
4 Reasons Christians Should Use Their Minds
Stott recognized the need for both intellect and emotion in Christianity, but, clearly for him, “the greater danger is anti-intellectualism and a surrender to emotionalism.”
This Day in History: John Stott Was Born
On this day in history John Stott, one of the most influential Christian leaders of the twentieth century, was born. This year marks the centenary of his birth.
What Difference Does God Make on Monday Mornings?
God does his sustaining work through the actions of human beings.
How Sharing a Meal Can Show Grace
Tim Chester shares how sharing a meal can show grace.
4 Gospel Truths to Remember on Monday Morning
What's the connection between faith in God and your Monday-morning struggles? Identifying and remembering these four liberating truths about God will help.
How Are Your New Year's Resolutions Going?
How are your New Year's resolutions going? Still going strong? Or is your resolve beginning to waver? Have some of those fine ideals already fallen by the wayside?
On a Mission to Prove Ourselves
The people of this world are on a mission: a mission to prove themselves.
What the Reformers saw, especially through the message of justification by faith alone, was the revelation of an exuberantly happy God who glories in sharing his happiness.
Excellent Revelations through Ordinary Means
As was typical among the Puritans, the Lord’s Supper is seen not simply as a memory aid, but an occasion in which Christ is present among his people through the Holy Spirit.
Is the Reformation Yesterday’s News?
The Reformation still matters because the debates between Catholics and Protestants have not gone away.
Eating, Drinking, and Doing Ministry
Eating and drinking were so important to the mission of Jesus because they were a sign of his friendship with tax collectors, sinners, and others scorned by others.