Learning to Accept Help from Others (Especially Your Husband)
The Help That Humility Accepts
Accepting help means you're acknowledging that you are not God. God doesn't need help from anyone, but you, as a human being, need a whole lot of help to get things done.
But it's hard to accept help from others. We can talk all day long about whether women can have it all, and the reality is, while we may not be working outside the home, we believe we can have it all inside the home. We believe we can get everything done and be super mom and never accept help from anyone else. And that's just not true.
We need to humbly accept the help of others, admitting the fact that we're not God.
Some people have greater capacities than others; some people can get more things done on a given day. But there's going to come a point when any one of us will break, and when we need help. We need to humbly accept the help of others, admitting the fact that we're not God, that we can't have it all, and that we need to let things go.
A Husband's Help
One of the tangible ways we can accept help is to receive the help of our husbands.
It's really hard to let go of control. Perhaps you're with your kids all day. You're the one who keeps everything together, and you don't want to accept the help of your husband because he does things differently than you. Maybe he doesn't put the dishes in the dishwasher or fold the laundry the same way you do.
Glory in the Ordinary
Courtney Reissig
This book combats misunderstandings about the value of at-home work to help moms see how Christ infuses glorious meaning and significance into every facet of ordinary life.
And yet, he was given to you by God to contribute to the work of the home. The work of the home is not for you only. It's for your entire family. So, you can accept the help of your husband.
The Work of the Home: A Family Affair
You can also accept the help of your children, even if they don't put the toys away as neatly and perfectly as you would like them to. We are all contributors to the work of the home. And so we need to be able to accept that the home is not the pinnacle of our greatness. It's for the good of the world. And by accepting help, we're acknowledging that we are indeed all contributors to the work of the home.