10 Things You Should Know about Christian Ethics
What is Christian ethics and what role should it play in the life of a believer?
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10 Things You Should Know about Christian Ethics
What is Christian ethics and what role should it play in the life of a believer?
Women in Society: The Challenge and the Call
Women are extremely valuable to society, not because of their own merits but because of the qualities God has given them to use on his behalf.
How Should the Church Confront Social Injustice?
We need to hear the voice of Dr. Francis James Grimké as he beckons us to both reform the church, leadership, and our society with the gospel of Jesus Christ and Christian witness.
Is War Inherently Unjust and Immoral?
J. Daryl Charles, Timothy J. Demy
J. Daryl Charles and Timothy J. Demy discuss whether or not war is inherently unjust and immoral.
3 Things I've Learned from Carl F. H. Henry
The following three examples are among some of the most quintessentially Henrician lessons I’ve learned.
The Resurgence of Reformed Theology among African Americans
There are encouraging indications that Reformed theology is being embraced by an increasing number of African American Christians today.
Podcast: Has Christianity Really Caused More Harm Than Good in the World? (Sharon James)
Sharon James makes the case that despite the many failings of many Christians over the centuries, Christianity has indeed been very good for the world.