This update is related to the One Million Bibles: A Crossway Global Initiative campaign.
God calls us to give. Throughout Scripture, we read of examples and exhortations to give financially toward the support of the proclamation of the gospel. At Crossway, we are burdened with the responsibility to increase the spread of the Word of the Lord throughout all regions of the world. As a result, we are committed to stewarding the financial resources given by our partners: 100% of the money that you give to Crossway’s global ministry fund goes toward supporting Bible and book distribution around the world, with the goal of reaching more people with the gospel. Thanks to amazing global ministry partners, we have had the privilege of hearing about the Lord’s hand at work in using Crossway resources to transform lives.
Consider Franco Ferrer, a global worker in Manila, Philippines, working to build up a healthy group of local churches who preach the Truth:
There are many Bible translations available right now in bookstores in Manila. But what we lack are translations that are faithful to the Word and to the very message it communicates. We thank God for the ministry of Crossway and how you are making the ESV Bible available around the world, including in the Philippines, and how you are continuing to desire to make the Bible increasingly available to new and seasoned believers. My prayer is that there will be more ESV Bibles that will be made available in the Philippines for those churches who are desiring to faithfully preach the Word and disciple their people.
Through your generosity, the ESV Bible is being made available in places where accurate translations of the Bible are hard to come by. Your gifts finance the distribution of Bibles to church members and pastors in Manila so that they grow as believers into those who are rightly handling the Word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15).
Franco’s is not an isolated instance in the Philippines of God’s work through your giving. Ray Caguin, pastoral intern at Community Bible Church in Marikina, Philippines, recently reflected on the impact of the ESV Bible on his church:
By God’s grace, when Community Bible Church was founded in 2015, we started with ESV Bibles from Crossway. Our partner church in the U.S. donated these for us, enough so that every family in our church would have an ESV Bible.
Much like Franco, Ray realized the need for his church members to have access to accurate translations so that they could grow in the right direction.
Through your gift to the One Million Bibles initiative, ministry leaders like Ray and Franco will get to continue to share this life-giving resource not just with their churches, but with those outside their walls who may never have accurately understood the gospel:
We are so thankful for the ministry of Crossway and how you all are producing gospel-centered resources. It has benefited the local churches here, and we pray that Bibles will continue to be more accessible to churches in Manila and throughout the Philippines. —Franco
Would you please consider joining us by giving to the One Million Bibles initiative, and in turn provide Bibles to Filipino Christians and others who will then have easy access to God’s Word, possibly for the first time in their lives?