Last Chance to Give: Will You Join Us?

This update is related to the One Million Bibles: A Crossway Global Initiative campaign.

One Million Bibles

There is one last day to give to the One Million Bibles Initiative, helping us reach our 2022 goal of raising funds to distribute 100,000 Bibles to the Global South. Many of you have already given generously to put Bibles into the hands of brothers and sisters around the world without access to God’s Word. Thank you for your generous support of this project! If you haven’t already given, would you consider joining us today?

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Crossway is a not-for-profit Bible-based, gospel-centered ministry. It is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. All gifts to Crossway are deductible to the full extent permitted by U.S. tax law. Your contributions are used to further the ministry of Crossway under the oversight and control of its Board of Directors.