What Is the Christian’s Compass?

This update is related to the One Million Bibles Initiative: Global South campaign.

A gift of $40 provides ten copies of God’s Word to sisters and brothers in Christ throughout the Global South. Would you consider partnering with us to help distribute God’s Word to believers in need? The overall goal for this initiative is to distribute one million Bibles. Our aim is to raise $200,000 by Mother’s Day, May 12, to support the printing and distribution of an additional 50,000 Bibles. These Bibles will be provided especially to women along with other believers who have little to no access to the Bible.

The Bible Is Our Compass

“The Bible is the Word of God. It’s a compass for our lives, and it’s like a manual. Imagine you’ve bought a piece of equipment and you want to know how it operates. You have to read the manual to learn how to operate that piece of equipment that you’ve bought. And that’s what the Bible is; it will answer all of your questions about life, tell you everything you need to know about life, explain more of who God is, and point out everything you need to know about the world.” —Jalira, Zambia

Crossway is committed to providing God’s Word to people in need so that they can come to an understanding of who God is and who they are in light of him. This April and May, your gift of $40 will provide 10 Bibles to believers in need, especially women. Would you consider partnering with us to give these sisters and brothers in Christ the most valuable thing this world affords?

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